Thursday, June 3, 2010

libur sampe september

as some of you may know, or remember, last year i got an internship at makki makki branding consultant. i worked at an office from 8 am till late from monday to sunday. just like having a real job. i did that for 2 months so i only get to spend the last month of my holiday. this holiday, i planned that i didn't want to work at an office again. it's so tiring and blah. I didn't even want to look for a job, i thought i'd just add another student so that i'll spend my holiday teaching 3 students.
so here i am on the second week of my holiday. to make a long story short, i now only teach 2 student. i got another offer today to teach another student every day from monday to thursday which would actually be really great, but i turned it down. malesssss bgt. jangankan nambah, just dealing with these 2 aja gw sbnrnya agak, nyeaaaahhh males. seriously what is wrong with me??? mau jd apa gw kalo males2 gini terus.
but the thing is, to be really really extremely honest, i don't feel that guilty. i mean, my holiday just started and i'm having so much fun. emg gitu2 doang but it's fun enough. so far gw baru ngerasa kebosenan satu hari doang pas hari pertama. anyway, i already had an internship last year so it's ok if i don't go again this year. i want to cut myself some slack.

anyway, i'm getting a microwave for my birthday! sooooo happy! finally, after years of waiting.

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