Tuesday, December 30, 2008

jason mraz!

so jason mraz is coming to town.



here's the thing, i have never, until now, liked a human being as i use to like jason mraz. i read all his blogs, memorize all his lyrics and i always felt so connected to him and i was sure he was my soulmate, we just haven't met yet.

gw smp tau klo dia pernah nikah sebentar sm cewe namanya sheridan trus dia openly bisexual. he's never had sex with a guy, tp he'd like to. haha

tp itu dulu. hahahaha. i've came to my senses dan yaudah si skrg ngefans sewajarnya aja. hahaha. tp ga ada lagu jason mraz yg gw ga suka.
pertama bella yg ngasi tau klo java jazz jason mraz bakal dtg, tp bella jg ga yakin. trus pmnya ryan di msn ngasi tau klo jason mraz bakal maen tgl 6 maret.
trus gw seneng d pas bella blg klo dgr jason mraz inget gw. haha. dulu gw manggil bella bella luna. lagunya jason mraz bella luna. hahaha. klo gw nulis terus ttg jason mraz disini, ga bakal ada abisnya.

soooooooooooooo, what i'm going to do is. ngetem di sultan. ngetem abis2an di lobby bawa semua buku pelajaran klo perlu biar gw ga bosen.

gw sempet gt mikir, aaah coba taun dpn javajazznya jason mraz. ah tp ngarep ah. haha. ternyata. ooooh myyyy jason mrazzz. parah2. gw pengen teriak bgt rasanya. hahaha

Monday, December 29, 2008

another day

tadi gw k ps/senayan city sm ajeng, bella, atid, icha, nindi. seneeng, udah lama ga ketemu sm yg di bandung.  ooooh btw, gw td k ps naek bus lho dr rumah gw! naek 213 dr deket rumah gw, turun dpn atma trus naek 44 smp ps. haha.
inti dari post gw kali ini bukan mau nyeritain perjalanan gw naek bus, tp gw pgn cerita ttg abis dr sency.
so i got home, lgsg ol trus chatting sm monster. trus yaaaa gt deh. trus iman nelf. trus yaaaa gt deh.
aaaaaaaaahhhh gw pgn ceritaaaaaa tp gw ga mungkin nulis disiniiiiiiiiiiii. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
intinya, something occurred after doing those 2 things. something that got me thinking about a few things. a lot of things actually. tp gw ga mungkin nulis disiniiiii. aaaaaaaaaaahhh gateeeelllll. pengen nulis tp ga bisa.
hmmm time to get my old journal out of the shelf. haha
maaf ya postnya ga jelas dan, maybe, bikin penasaran. hahaha

-eh iya, sumpah gw kecanduan maen guess the sketch ni gara2 nurul sm yuni. haha. maen deh di facebook.
-trus td ya, untuk pertama kalinya, internet gw di hp bisa. hahaha. menurut gw, itu dikarenakan oleh keberadaan bella disitu. bella bawa hokkie. haha
-gw hr sabtu ke subtitles trus minjem dr. strangelove, eyes wide shut sm shawshank redemption. gw pinjem eyes wide shut sm dr. strangelove kan ceritanya mau ngubrick gt kan. tp sayang sekali, gw ga ngerti dr. strangelove anjrit. item putih lg. trus eyes wide shut biasa aja. cuma bgs pas di rumah topeng2 doang. trus ntn shawshank redemption ga bisa gara2 laptop gw sok2 sensitif imut gt jd baret dikit ga kebaca. trus ntn di dvd player g bisa soalnya region codenya beda dan udah g bisa di ganti. huuaaaaaaaah.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

awareness test

ok this is fucking hilarious. hahahaha

pergolakan pemikiran islam

So today, my dad gave me a book which is probably going to be the best book I will ever lay my hands on. The title is Pergolakan Pemikiran Islam by Ahmad Wahid. Anybody ever heard of it. Sumpah2, gw cuma bisa bilang. Bacaaaaaaaaaa sumpah bacaaaaaaaa ini bagus bgtttt I can’t even describe it. So what I’m going to do is write some passages from my favorite part, kebebasan berpikir. Here it goes:



 saya sungguh tidak dapat mengerti mengapa orang begitu phobi dengan pemikiran bebas. Malahan orang yang takut untuk berpikir bebas itu ditimpa oleh ketakutan dan keraguan akan kepura-puraannya yang sudah tidak terlihat. Dia ragu untuk berkata bahwa ada suatu pikiran yang dia benamkan di bawah sadarnya. Pikiran yang dibenamkan ini dia larang untuk muncul dalam kesadarannya.


Dengan berpikir bebas bisa salah hasilnya. Dengan tidak berpikir bebas juga bisa salah hasilnya. Lalu mana yang lebih potensial untuk tidak salah? Dan mana yang lebih potensial untuk menemukan kebenaran-kebenaran baru? Saya kira orang yang tidak mau berpikir bebas itu telah menyia-nyiakan hadian Allah yang begitu berharga yaitu otak.


Tuhan aku ingin berbicara dengan engkau dalam suasana bebas. Aku percaya bahwa engkau tidak hanya benci pada ucapan-ucapan yang munafik, tapi juga benci pada pikiran-pikiran yang munafik, yaitu pikiran-pikiran yang tidak berani memikirkan yang timbul dalam pikirannya, atau pikiran yang pura-pura tidak tahu pada pikiran sendiri


Saya tidak mau jadi orang munafik, sok suci dan semacam itu. Percobaan menyembunyikan pikiran bawah sadar yang mungkin ada? Dan saya tidak mau berpura-pura. Apalagi terhadap sesama manusia seperti Ahmad dan lain-lainnya.



Ya itu sedikit dari bagian kebebasan berpikir. Haha. Bagian abis kebebasan berpikir: Emoh jadi orang munafik.

ok so do you now get what i like about the passage that i just wrote? or no no, do you get what this guy is actually talking about? the book is about the muslim way of thinking. so this guy, he kinds of mempertanyakan cara berpikir muslim. apa bener kita harus nerima semua aturan dan hukum islam itu secara mentah2? dan kalau misalnya kita mau mempertanyakan sesuatu, apa itu dosa? apa semua pikiran untuk mempertanyakan aturan2 tersebut dianggap dosa? apa benar semua hal yang di luar quran dan hadits itu salah? apa tuhan akan menghukum kita karena kita berpikir bebas padahal tuhan sendiri yang memberi kita akal tsb?

and my favorite part, kenapa orang takut bgt berpikir bebas? like mentioned earlier, it's because they're afraid. people who don't think freely has things supressed in their mind and pretends that those thoughts never occur to their head. free thinkers brought up those thoughts and those close minded people are of course disturbed cause they're kind of forced to face their lies. i mean, COME ON, masa si lo ga pernah mempertanyakan apa-apa tentang agama lo? lo bener2 mau nelen mentah2 tu the fact that moses parted the red sea and how a certain somebody we know could resurrect or whatever. i'm sorry if this is kind of harsh but if you claim you've never questioned those things, then you're the one being harsh to yourself.

yeah this book talks about stuff like that. THAT is why i LOVE it.


Friday, December 26, 2008

tulis tulis

so i actually don't have a particular topic for today but i feel like writing. actually, one topic just shoot out right now. my parents aren't home right now and adip i'm chatting with adip on msn and he's asking to cabut. hahahaa. yeah ok, it would be just a piece of cake and no one would know and it's something i really want to do since i have nothing to do anyway and i kind of want to spice up my holiday but i can't do that. haha. not when my parents are in a hospital not far from my house caused by a lasik operation gone wrong. i've always wanted to lasik my eyes, since my eyesight completely fucked up. -6.00. haha. but seeing the risks that could happen, i really want to keep my braille knowledge for teaching and teaching ONLY. haha.
i've also been thinking of tes snmptn ulang just for the sake of iseng. haha. i mean, come on, imagine this, i do the test again without telling my parents and i pick something really impossible like ekonomi and komunikasi or if i really want to go all the way, sekalian ikut ipc dan tambahin arsitek itb. hahaha. then MISALNYA gt keterima(which is almost impossible), kan lucu klo gw blg k nykp. eh ma ma, liat deh, aku keterima di FE lho. hahahahaahahhahaah. hey, it's ok tu ngayal kan? and people who are actually seriously applying for snmptn next year, don't worry, i won't do it. i know how annoying that is. haha.
i've also been thinking, gila i'm so goal oriented bgt d. sumpah2 lama2 cape sendiri. i mean i try like SHIT to be a somebody. i force myself into the debate society just cause i could have those public speaking skills, i keep thinking, snmptn lagi aah, and cari tempat buat magang ah, buat menuh2in cv, and all those stuff. i mean, i should be focusing on right now, on my grades alone. like that isn't already tricky enough.

merry christmas!

sorry it's kind of late, but check this out

Thursday, December 25, 2008

should she or should she not?

love it! i watched it over and over.

what i think: i think gregoire shouldn't have put up the sign next to the jesus' birth thingy. the sign says things that are completely contrast to that jesus' birth thingy. atheism should still be given the right to express themselves, just like any religion. but we're humans aren't we? we should know better that that sign is there to mock the existence of christianity itself. religious things shouldn't be allowed to be put up against each other. but it;s hard actually, then that means chanukah isn't allowed, same goes for fsm decorations on christmas and many other things for that matter. hmmmm. sounds like a great debate topic. lol

di saat orang2....

maen polyvore, gw lebih suka maen visual bookshelf di facebook. ga tau knp tp gw g pernah suka maen polyvore dan g bisa suka. it's just not my thing i guess. but i could meddle with my visual bookshelf smp lama bgt. haha.

ok enough with the unimportant introduction. today i did a little thinking. lately, i've been thinking of ways of how to be on top, how to be successful and stuff. for what? because i want to make my parents proud. that's it. because i want to prove to them that i can. not just my parents actually, but my friends and all my family as well. but then i realized, the pressure really does feel bigger. it's like i HAVE to do it cause if i don't i'll disappoint a lot of people. i should be doing it to prove to MYSELF that i can. i remember there are days where i would tell people, 'i promise i can! i'll prove that i can!' then people would just go,'you don't need to prove anything to anyone but yourself.'
ok, that is right. cause like a philosopher once said(forgot his name), musuh terbesar adalah diri kita sendiri. which is, bener! bener bgt malah. the only person that needs proving that i can do it is myself cause it's true, i keep doubting myself. another philosopher (can't make out his name either)also once said,'being alone doesn't kill you, it actually makes you stronger.' that is also true i guess. being alone is the only time where we could have a dialog with ourselves without getting influenced by our surroundings. that particular philosopher also said, in order to be in a 'supermind' state, you have to pull yourself from the society in order to think for your self without being poisoned by your surroundings. this philosopher thinks that majority is wrong and minority is right.  by being in the majority, people do not think for themselves. they are influenced by the thought of others, poisoned by their surroundings. it's hard to think for yourself when your in a majority group. and this philosopher thinks that minority is right cause minority are people who pulls themselves away from the society to think about what they really want to think about.

eh tp sumpah gw lupa nama philosophernya! aaaaaarrggghhh. i'll post a new note once i remember.

btw, mos burger enak lho(irrelevant, i know, but it really is enak!)

just for the record

the weather today is slightly blemished with guilt and smudged with a pint of lust

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

lama bgt nunggu kfc sumpah

byyy, klo udah sampe sana contact me ya! i know you'll read this! haha. duuuuh pgn kasi tau sesuatu d by. hahaha.

bingung mau nulis apa in general, so i'll make more of those pointless points:
-bolt in 3D, bagus! gambarnya bersih bgt sumpah. jelas gt. qing chu. bulunya bgs bgt dan boltnya lucu bgt. haha. i want a puppy!
-gw br sadar, i really do love going to bookstores. klo alone emg suka dr dulu. tp gw br nyadar ternyata gw jg suka k bookstore sm org and share each others interest.
-gw makin suka baca chuck palahniuk. parah2 bgs bgt. but somehow, i feel that i think it''s good because the stories are somehow gw bgt. not everybody will like them. they're not even bestsellers
-semenjak maen visual bookshelf, ada beberapa buku yang sering gw temuin di banyak bookshelf org pdhl tdnya gw ga gt ngeh sm tu buku. diantaranya: geroge orwell-1984 sama the wednesday letters.
-tetha, klo lo baca ini, knp td pm lo bahasa cina? hahahaahahahahahahahah. oh btw, knp putus lg te? :(
-gw kmrn nemu buku di TGA judulnya blind power. jd ttg org buta gt. dan dia blg, he left braille 10 years ago. dia blg, udah ga guna braille. UUURRRGGGHHH gondok tau ga. tp the bright side is, gw mikirnya, biarpun semakin banyak buku yg bisa lo baca di internet or download di reader or kindle, buku akan selalu menang. like stephen king says, things that are on paper last longer than those that are on some screen.
-eh masa di kampus gw ada yg ngaku2 gt. iiih mls bgt iiih.
-udah si, itu aja. haha

yauds d, see you on my next post. oooh! it's christmas eve already!

Monday, December 22, 2008


ok, I'M LOSING IT!!!! no, no, I'VE LOST IT!!!! parah2, i'm surprised i could still stay calm all this time. before, i was THIS CLOSE to doing what i vowed not to do. but now, I WILL do it and i don't even want to stop and think about the consequences. cause i'm blinded buy clouds of........ arrrrggghhhh.

how many of you have to wait for a year anyway. none i'm sure. gosh you lucky people.

the holiday's just begun

but the drama has started. haha

what you told me yesterday. those are like, the answer to my prayers. but it's still kind of kentang. i really hope it will be the answer to my prayers.

gosh i am lucky.

and what happened today, oh that was great all right. can't wait to see what's coming up.

this like it's going to be one loooooong holiday. lol

Saturday, December 20, 2008


internet gw lamanya ky tai jd gw g bisa baca one piece. eh ima bikin post ttg gw di dia punya blog. haha baca deh.

in a hurry to spell checkmate

jadi setelah ntn penbes yg btw menurut gw bgs bgt, gw laper. lapeeeeerrr anjriittt blm makan mlm. hhuaaaaaahh. nginep kfc paraaaaahhhh mana tadi abis nyatet nomer delivery 24 jam nya lg. tp mls delivery. berarti gw hrs standby nungguin makanannya dtg. dan gw nemu bakmi GM tp dingin dan gw ga bisa manasin dan gw sampe skrg MASI BLOM PUNYA MICROWAVE. huhuhuhuhuhu. akhirnya gw nemu buncis semangkok penuh yang dingin jg tp yaudah mau gmn lg, laper. kan buncisnya semangkok penuh tu, gw mikir yaudah gw skrg makan dikit aja, ga mungkin jg abis. eh abis tpnya. bner2 abis dan gw sempet mikir, apa2 ga si kebanyakan buncis? tp yaudah si, mendingan kebanyakan buncis daripada kebanyakan apaan yang ga jelas. buncis masi sayur gt. dan gw masi lapeeeerrr. huuhuhu. dan gw pgn bgt ntn dvd tp kamar gw ga ada tv dan klo gw ntn di laptop gw males karena laptop gw sok2 sensitif jadi dikit2 ga kebaca discnya. bikin cape. yaudah gw ga punya pilihan laen selain baca one piece di onemanga. huaaaam.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


setelah membaca curhatannya atis yang super panjang di blognya, gw jd nyadar, gw sendiri udah lama bgt ga nulis kaya gt.

the thing is, i don't really know when to start. haha. ok, so tomorrow i will have my last uas and that's it. that's the end of my first semester at UI. honestly, it was great. i don't know how thankful i am for getting accepted at chinese studies cause i don't think there is a more suitable major for me in the whole of UI. there was a time when i really wish that i could move to philosophy, but after really seeing what they have to study, hahaaa, no thank you. i guess i liked philosophy, but back to the fact knp gw ga jadi ngisi filsafat pas ngisi formulir is because even though i LOVE philosophy, i'm not the kind of person who could actually sit my ass through 4 years of that stuff. those are just for sheer knowledge, not something you major.
honestly, i'm at a point where life is perfectly a ok and i have nothing to worry about. i'm enjoying my university life, my friends, my love life that's actually going along a little to great ever since i put my mode to completely heartless so that i'll have nothing to lose. haha. i'm also going to bali for new year's eve which i really can't wait. but the thing is, when life is to perfect like now, you get yourself thinking. i wonder what tragedy god has in store for me.
speaking of god, you know what. i don't know how long i've actually abandoned my religion. but to be extremely honest, even though i'm religionless, i've never felt closer to god. it's like, if found my own comfort zone which is definitely not religions. religion is just one out of so many great options to choose from to find your inner peace and whatever. and to be reallllly honest, i hate it when people say, gw belom aja nemuin jalan gw balik ke agama. i won't. beneran d. haha. this is what i've been searching all along. i remember that one time a few months ago i decided to aaah coba sholat aaaah, iseng aja. then everybody went, alhamdullilah idya udah balik ke jalan yang bener. hahahaahhahaha. kata siapa itu jalan yang bener? ga ada yang ngejamin gt. kesannya tu kaya seakan blg jalan gw yang sekarang tu salah. well, klo gt, you're just as salah as me cause nobody can really prove which is truly right.
haha balik lagi kan soal agama. gila kayanya emg agama is my forte deh. haha

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

pengantar linguistik umum

so instead of studying like little miss goody two shoes, i spaced out and decided to write my thoughts down here:
-kalo misalnya waktu itu adip ga pake gantungan kunci charmandernya yang bikin gw bilang itu lucu dan bikin gw kenalan sama adip dan akhirnya ngenalin gw ke flying spaghetti monster and atheism, gimana ya?
-kalo waktu itu batas toleransi gw keburu abis buat nunggu anak2 fkm siap2 sebelom orasi sumpah pemuda dan gw pulang duluan dan ga ikut orasi yang artinya ga bakal ada kejadian terdampar di plangi sama vava, ima, agis, iman, gimana ya?
-kalo misalnya waktu itu gw ga ngerengek2 ke bokap gw minta ke citos ntn transformers yang bikin gw kenalan sama baya dan akhirnya ngenalin gw ke south park, gimana ya?
-kalo misalnya gw waktu itu jadi sms michelle bilang gw ga mau ikut jaga buat jakarta crossover yang bikin gw ketemu sama boncel pertama kali, gimana ya?
-kalo misalnya waktu itu gw ga memutuskan untuk ikut bta yang akhirnya bikin nykp gw nyuruh masuk ui instead of australia, gimana ya?
-kalo waktu itu gw ga keterima di ui dan skrg gw di australi, gimana ya?
-kalo misalnya waktu suit yang kalah itu marta dan marta yang jadi classmate gw, gimana ya?
-kalo misalnya gw ngekos, yang bakal gw taro di kamar kosan gw apa aja ya?
-kalo misalnya nykp gw boleh2 aja gw masuk universitas nykp gw dulu dengan jurusan yang sama, gimana ya?(gw ga mau, tp sumpah gw penasaran)
-kalo misalnya gw pada detik terakhir ga mutusin untuk ikut bokap gw ke rumah tmnnya yang orang cina dan gw ga pernah baca ramalan hong shui itu, gimana ya?
-kalo misalnya SD rumah gw di bintaro dan nykp gw jadi masukin gw ke global, gimana ya?

sumpah masi byk bgt. dan ini seru lho bikin listnya. haha

achmed the dead terrorist

-god damn it! i mean, allah damn it!
-i did the same thing to two catholic priests, only i used a little boy
-are you a moslem?
i don't think so. look at my ass, it says made in china


Monday, December 15, 2008


-akhirnya satu semester lewat di ui. seru2. haha
-seneng kemaren ditelfon. hehe
-harusnya skrg gw bljr tp mlssss
-can't wait to meet adip and ajeng on friday! just like the old days
-can't wait till i find out my IP
-lg seru2nya ntn clash of the titans, dvdnya ngadet
-pengen cepet2 ke cina
-bingung mau nulis apa lg

ah sterr!

kmrn jam 12an gt monster ngasi gw link. hotel 626. itu cuma bisa dimaenin dr jam 6 sore smp jam 6 pagi. dan itu SEREM BGT. y gw mikir gw g bakal berani maen jam segitu, udah lah besok pagi aja. tp, besoknya, gw g berani jg! dan sumpah demi apa aja gw PENASARAN. gw beneran udah berapa puluh kali buka tu website tp g berani2 maen. trus gw mikir, yaudah d ntn videonya di youtube aja. ga berani jg! anjinggggg. sumpah gw penasaran!!!
tp gw takut! hahahaahhhha

klo ada yg baca post ini, maen deh. trus abis itu ceritain k gw. hahaha

i'm not alone!

like i said before, i LOVE visual bookshelf. i came across a girl who is also a fan of palahniuk and burgess like i am! and this is what she thinks about twilight. haha

The nicest words I can use to describe this disastrous peice of fiction are "juvenile" and "uninspired". I question whether Stephenie Meyer has ever read a real peice of vampire fiction in her entire life. After getting halfway through the book I realized how flawingly adjusted the book felt. I have no doubt that the reasoning for this is that Meyer originally meant this to be an adult book but composed such a dreadful work that she adjusted it to be marketed towards naiive teenage girls. The sexual tension between Bella and Edward is interesting and at times almost kept me glued to my seat. Unfortunately, even though this tension is the center of the story, Meyer fails to develope it as much as she could have and immediately dives into other conflicts. If you enjoy looking smart while reading children's fiction than this is the right book for you. If you truly want to indulge in intelligant literature, however, look elsewhere. The classic authors, such as Stroker and Matheson, seem to be the only ones who continue to deliver a satisfying, powerful punch.

i agree about the sexual tension part. that kept me glued to the book and it is the centre of the story. for me that is. but meyer fails to develop it and starts going to other things leaving the sexual tension hanging in mid air. not fun!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

it's almost been a year...

and i'm still not getting any.


i'm surprised i could actually survive though. haha


intinya, mlm ini gw melakukan satu kebodohan yang SANGAT besar dan adip sukses menipu gw. hahahaha. gw g bisa cerita kesini karena terlalu ribet dan TOO EMBARRASSING! haha. intinya adip udah pulaannnng!!!!! adip 我的中国朋友!trus akhirnya kita semalem telf2an pake bahasa cina! hahahah. ga fully chinese, tp mayan byklah. trus udah cukup gw ketawa2 gara2 adip dengan suksesnya ngerjain gw dgn cara yg tai bgt, dia ketawa2 gara2 gw blg gw maen futsal buat jurusan gw skrg. dia blg, 'anjing2, apa nama timnya futsal sastra cina?? dragon FC? ahahahahaha.' tai, tp itu lucu si. hahaha. trus gw blg kan, 'tp lo hrs tau yell kita dip, bhs cina.' dan gw blm ngasi tau yell gw apa, dia udah ngejauhin telfon dr kuping dan ketawa2 ngakak, 'anjing ANJING ada yellnya bahasa cina. hauahuauahuaahahahaahuauauahaa.' sumpah dip itu g penting bgt. haha.

intinya, sampah lo dip sumpah gw ketipu anjing2an dan gw g pernah ngerasa seapes itu. hahahaha. 


Saturday, December 13, 2008

speaking of books....

-gw SUKA bgt lho maen visual bookshelf di facebook. parah2. haha. it's by far my favorite application

-I CAN'T WAIT FOR SONY READERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lama bgt msk jakarta sumpaaaaah. di singapore jg blom ada

-for my birthday next year, gw bener2 cuma minta 1 hal. A NEW BOOKSHELF! hahaha. bnran d, that's all i want. buku gw makin lama makin byk dan spacenya di bookshelf yg sekarang udah makin dikit. my dad has a whole side of a wall as bookshelf, so does my mum. i want one too.

-so many books to read, so little time. hehe

uuuummmm HOT!!!!!!

WILLIAM BECKETT!!! parah2 PARAH2. I he's like the hottest thing alive. and where have i been all my live, gw br tau dia punya blog. haha. thx to yuni yg masang link trumblr di websitenya hehe



bucuo lah bucuo

i've just watched twilight and yes, it was pretty good actually. and yeah, edward is hot. haha. trus. hmmm g tau mau nulis apa. haha. tau2 tp lupa.

oiya udah inget. i've found a new tv series to love. SOMEWHERE IN CHINA! haha. well, it's not actually a tv series. it's a series of documentary on the national geographic channel. nooo, it's not as boring as it sounds. it's hosted by 2 HOT guys which names i can't remember, but their referred to as the hutchen brothers. hot hot hot. seriously. they go all around china visiting not only big cities but also small cities which are really rich in culture. they speak chinese too. it's actually kind of cute seeing to hot bules speaking chinese. i gotta admit their accent is kind if weird. lol. today they were im this small village and they went to this guys house who collects lots of things which are really artsy and considered highly cultural. the brothers kept going through all the stuff and asking 'ji ge shuo shenme, ji ge shuo shenme?' honestly i'm not sure what it means but i catch it means somewhere in the lines of,' what's this for?'
here's a little clip of them in action:


seriously, two is just about ENOUGH! just when i thought it was all over, it kept coming! eneg, bosen, bingung, kesel, g tau mau ngmng apa. seriously, i have a life too! go find someone else to bother cause i'm not the one able to help. really i wish i could write it all down here but i can't. aaaah kesel kesel kesel.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

eh eh lu orang harus baca gw punya blog!

sumpah2 gw ada cerita dan ini menurut gw lucu bgt. well, mungkin buat nuri sm yuni yg juga udah terbiasa denger ini di kampusnya ngerti maksud gw. haha

td kan botol minum gw ketinggalan di kelas, tp gw baru nyadar pas sampe kantin. gw blg, 'yah botol minum gw ketinggalan di kelas.' trus mel blg k gw, 'oooh yg warna ijo ya? tadi firna sempet nanya2 gt ini siapa punya botol.' dan seperti biasa satu meja cekikikan klo ada yang udah ngmng pake gaya bahasa ky gt. trus si mel mengulang kalimat yang tadi tp dia coba benerin. jadinya kaya gini,'eh iya, td di kelas firna sempet nanya2 ini botol siapa punya.' hahahahaa. sumpah yaa, itu tidak memperlihatkan perubahan yang signifikan lho. dan mel saking bingungnya sampe blg,'ya trus apa dong?' sumpah ya, it's simply just ini botol siapa? haha

trus udah gt gw blg kan, 'eh mulai sekarang ngmngnya kaya gt yuk! gw punya buku, lu orang punya buku, berapa duit.' dan tiba2 vava bilang, 'ha? emang kenapa berapa duit? biasa aja. gw ngmngnya selalu gt.'


ok ok. va, klo lo baca ini, gw minta maaf yang sebesar2nya. tp sumpah ya berapa duit itu bukan bahasa indonesia yang baik dan benar. dan maaf bgt itu smp gw tulis disini karena menurut gw itu lucu bgt meskipun gw td di kansas g ketawa2 amat. tp sebenernya gw udah geli bgt va. haha.. 对不起朋友!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


td setelah gw udah lama bgt ga naek kereta ekonomi ac, gw sm vava memutuskan buat naek ekonomi ac, enak sumpah. ky udik gt gw udah lama g naek kereta ac. haha.
di kereta gw sm vava ngmngin soal kita naek kereta ekonomi biasa. gw tiap pagi naek kereta yg jam 6.40 dan sumpah ya, g tau knp gw sneng aja. gw tiap hr naek dr cikini brg imam iman sm ade trus di kereta gabung sm vava sm ima sm yg laen jg byk smp gw lupa2 namanya. haha. udah 2 hr terakhir ini gw naek kereta pertama tp. jam 6.15. hari pertama si gpp, si imam jg kepagian, akhirnya kita berdua, paling g gw ada tmnnya. trus td, gw sendiri tp. cuma ada tmn obm gw yg g wg dkt2 bgt. sumpah yaaaaa, gw naek kereta sendiri gt krik2 bgt. nyampe kampus masi sepi bgt lg. yg ngekos br pd bgn kali tu. trus gw mikir td, kita kan masi maba, jadwal masi teratur. kebanyakan jurusan masuk jam stengah 8. nanti klo udah tingkat atas, jadwal udah berantakan pasti. gw udah g teratur, yg laen jg. yg sejurusan pun mungkin jg g sama. dan berarti ga ada lg naek kereta rame2 ky sekarang. dan emg klo gw perhatiin, kereta jam 6.40 dr cikini yg biasa gw naikin, emg dijarah maba. haha. sumpah setelah gw bayang2in, gw bakal kangen bgttt sm imam sm ade. dimana lg gw bisa ktemu mereka klo g di kereta? wkt hari apa gt, gw sempet di kereta brg imam ade iman sm yg laen byk bgt. vava sm ima, yg sesama anak cina, kebetulan beda gerbong ga ky biasanya, dan agak jauh dr gerbong kita. trus secara gw anak cina sendiri. gw abis dikata2in sm imam sm ade. puyunghai sungotkung, puchetao(sumpah de, salah semua lo nulisnya haha) dan bahkan berlanjut smp k facebook. aaaaaaaaaah gw sedih klo ngebayangin gw udah g bisa ngerasain itu lg nanti klo udah naek tingkat. huhuhu.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

reply to sometimes...

pertama gw mau makasih bgt buat vava yg udah panjang lebar ngecommentin gw punya blog(haha) dan sumpah ya gw ktawa bgt bacanya.

yeah ok, so i guess vava's right. sophie from sophie's world once said,'kita g bisa karena kita sendiri yg menyatakan klo kita ga bisa.' (sumpah ya, sebenernya klo vava g blg gw g tau kalo sophie pernah blg gini. gw perlu baca ni buku berapa kali lg si?)
well, since today is lebaran or whatever you call it(seriously, i don't know haha) our family gathered to eat and talk and stuff. my dad, suddenly, asks me, 'do you feel intimidated in your campus? do you feel like everyone's smart and you're not. like everyone has their own achievements through highschool and you don't?'
woooow, i was like all are you reading my mind or something? cause i KNOW he hasn't been reading my blog. well of course i said yes to all those questions and i told him how smart the other people are. and how i feel so like an idiot compared to the others. how one of my friend graduated from a catholic school with 4 awards (to vava: ha ha ha).  my dad then said he just read a book by robert rubin. america's former secretary of the treasury. rubin said that when he got to harvard, he felt so lost he wanted to quit on his first day. he just couldn't take it. all the other students are hellishly smart with lots of medals and achievements and he feels like he's the most idiot out of all. but in the end, he graduated summa cum laude and became secretary of the treasury.
my dad also added how he felt like the most idiotic person in his university(which is the same as mine now) and how he felt intimidated by those who are really good at math and english. but in the end, he was the best graduate. then my aunt came along. she told me how her daughter--my cousin--who just moved to UWC singapore, used to feel like she's completely miserable and wants to go home soooo bad. english was her mother tongue but the people in her class now are really really smart. one even did some english test and got a score which was the highest 10 in the world. this particular guy once made a speech about freedom and my cousin couldn't understand a thing he was saying. if my was my cousin, i would go crazy. but she learned to deal and it pushes her to study. now, she's enjoying college and happily surviving. haha

so from all 3 examples, robert rubin, my dad and my cousin. they all have one thing in common. they all go to this one new society crammed packed with ultra smart geniuses. they all felt lost and out of place which actually pushes them to beat the others. NOT QUIT. by being motivated to beat the rest, they became the best(hey that ryhmes!) so i'm glad help came to me sooner than i expected. i thought i was going to DIE(not literally of course) and i was this close to giving up. but from now on, I WILL CHARGE. haha. and i'm soooo joining EDS again. hahaaaa

hanzi tai babi zzzz

sumpah gw pgn bgt pindah jurusan huaaaaaaa. tai tai tai tai.


dan akhirnya seperti biasa pelarian gw adalah south park. gw udah nemu website baru pengganti surfthechannel. hahahaa. ni ni project free tv. akhirnya gw bs ntn south park lg setelah sekian lama BGT hiatus. episode yg kmrn gw tonton judulnya the china problem. hahaaaaa, selari2nya gw dr pelajaran pasti ktemu2 lg. inti ceritanya si cartman ngerasa the chinese are going to invade america gara2 cartman abis ntn opening ceremonynya beijing olympics dan orang cinanya byk bgt. akhirnya cartman bikin american liberation front b2 sm butters. haha. sampah.

trus gw kan jd penasaran ky apa si opening ceremony beijing olympics? gw g ntn wkt itu tp gw beli dvdnya yg blom gw tonton2. akhirnya smlm gw ntn dan ANJING BGS BGT TAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.
sampah2 bgs bgttttttttttttttttttttttt aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah parah parah parah. huaaaaaaaa. ga bisa di deskripsikan dengan kata2.
ok, mungkin byk yg ntn dan menurut lo ga sebagus itu ah, tp menurut gw BGS BGT NYET ITU. sumpah2 bgsnya lebay. bisa bgt bikin ky gt sumpah. kepikiran aja dan itu orgnya banyak bgt gimana ngelatihnya! belom bayarannya. sama anjrit itu biayanya gmn tu. trs pas latian pertama tu pasti kacau bgt tu ngehandle segitu byk org.

eh tp sumpah y, menurut gw itu bgs bgt lho. dan sangat timur. gw suka aja kan cina terkenal penduduknya banyak, ya ditonjolkannyalah itu. klo di barat ga mungkin nyet segitu banyak orang mau diatur. pastipertunjukkan tu cenderung individualistis. trus gw penasaran kan, opening ceremony yang taun2 sebelomnya ky apa. seinget gw wkt dulu di aussie g segitunya. akhirnya gw ntn yg athens di youtube. secara gw obsessed with anything that has to do with ancient greece,(buat lo yg ga tau, olympics asalnya dari ancient greece) gw udah ngebayangin itu opening ceremony di athens pasti wow bgt. ah tai apaan, pas gw ntn jelek bgt. lo bandingin aja countdownnya. yg di beijing, countdownnya kan orang banyak di lapangan sambil mukul drum. klo drumnya dipukul drumnya nyala. trus akhirnya dr sekian byk org itu dibikin lampunya nyala bentuk angka(ngerti kan maksud gw). dibagi dua, satu bagian untuk angka arab, bagian laen buat angka cina. sumpah sampah keren bgt anjing. sedangkan yg di athens cuma angka doang di layar gede gt. 10, 9 , 8, 7. oh come oooooonnnn.
yg di athens jg ada ky sekumpulan orang megang drum gt. orangnya banyak tp ya mereka keluar ke lapangannya itu g pake baris apa gmn. ya keluar aja, agak ga beraturan dan jd g bgs menurut gw. itu yg di cina giant scrollnya jg keren bgt. sumpah semuanya bgs. aaaaah gw pgn ntn langsung. the next olympics games kan bakal di held di london. sumpah gw yakin bgt tu london mati2an berusaha ngalahin bgsnya cina. tp klo smp ada yg bisa ngalahin bgsnya opening ceremonynya china, i'll give 29 thumbs up. bnran.

lihat dan bandingkan:

cari sendiri videonya. gw g nemu. haha

burn after reading

capeeeeee.... sumpah byk bgt hanzi yg harus gw afalin tp g afal2. dan skrg setiap saking udah enegnya udah g bisa msk lg tu hanzi2 tai. cape cape cape cape cape. buat yg g tau hanzi tu apa, hanzi tu kanji. klo bahasa jepang kanji, klo cina hanzi. dan buat uas, gw perlu ngafalin sekian ratus hanzi. gw g tau brp pastinya, mls ngitung. tp sampe ratusan. aaaaah capeeeee. muntah hanzi sumpah. pindah jg ni gw lama2. zzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, December 6, 2008


i feel that i can never be the person i want to be. maybe this might sound a little lebay but ever since i got into UI i've been feeling kind of intimidated by the people around me. they are so ass-friggin smart. you see, this is one of the reason i want to quit EDS(english debating society) so bad. the main reason is that because i don't feel that debating is my thing and second is because i feel deeply intimidated being around them. they're just too smart. most of the people who gets into my university, are people who are always at the top rank in their class when they were in school. and here i am getting accepted by plain hard work months before snmptn. most of my friends from EDS are from the international relations major and that major has the highest passing grade so it's no doubt only geniuses are able to get in. sumpaaaaah yaaaa the intimidation is killing me. urgh. belom lg jurusan gw. there are a lot of my friends who has learned chinese before, some even speak it in their home and here i am learning from 0. then there's my parents. ok so they're all successful and they are both known to contribute a lot in the society. kalo kata nyokap gw, jadi 'orang'. and of course they expect me to be someone who matters as well. sometimes when things gets too much, i wish i can just work as a normal person and earn money and live my simple life just like anyone would. but they keep telling me klo udah gede harus jadi 'orang'. heck yeah masalahnya gw aja masih bingung mau gw apa. people say that people who are hard working are more appreciated than people who are just smart without working that much. but in reality, things are not so much like that. no matter how much i work, i don't think i will ever have the creativity and the thinking ability of people who are just plain smart. sometimes is bothers me so much to see the world being made so unfairly. why do i need days to memories some simple chinese paragraph and for my friends it just takes a few hours. why do some people glide so effortlessly to the high points in life and i keep failing over and over not knowing where do i exactly belong.


sebenernya gw sangat mempertanyakan diri gw knp gw bisa ga suka twilight.

angsa2 liar

iya judul bahasa indonesianya itu

so the story tells about the life of this one women, her mother and her grandmother. but before i go any further, one word for this book. booooriiing. hehehehehe. well, i guess the first few chapters are really good, i was totally hooked. but as soon as i get to the part where the story is suddenly dominated by political ideologies and stuff like that, the scale sort of went down. but what makes the book boring is not about the political stuff they talk about, but it's because of its lack of rebel. let's recap to previous bestsellers. a clockwork orange, why is it so groundbreaking? because alex is a complete rebel. he goes around raping children and beats up anyone he wants. the da vinci code, it rebels against what everybody believes, christianity. gossip girls, girls going out getting drunk and having sex 24/7. imagine if you read a story that only tells about a person who sits nicely through 3 years of high school. seriously, that's stupid. we want to see people who can actually speak up for themselves even if it means going against the law. in wild swans, rules are there to be followed, not broken. so yeah, i don't recommend this book to anyone who doesn't study chinese culture and history. but if you do, it won't hurt to read it. but i suggest you just skim through it, not read it through.

Friday, December 5, 2008


jam 3.08 udah di rumah. di tv lg g ada acara yang bagus, internet lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, bacaan ga ada, panas pula biarpun ac udah disett k paling dingin. sumpah mati gaya abis. aaaaaaah tmn2 gw lg pada demo ni di kampus. huhuhuhuhuhuu mau ikut. bosen bosen bosennnnn.

eh eh, kan ajeng sm boncel pernah cerita tu di deket bandung ada yang namanya gubuk dongeng, tpt nyewa2 komik lengkap. dgn kampus gw juga ada ternyata!!! haha, berarti gw g usah beli2 one piece lg. sumpah lengkap bgt dan bener2 di blkg stasiun. ya allah kmna aja gw selama ini.

eh eh adip minggu depan pulang!

dapet tiket naek atmostfear gratis. ada 3 tiketnya. pgn naek tp g tau mau ngajak siapa. yang berani naek itu g banyak dan pada jauh2 semua. aaaah coba ada ajeng. paling lambat dipake hari ini lg.

minggu dpn udah uas. hore bgt sumpah. zzzzzz

gw salah manggil orang di msn barusan. haha

pmnya pascal di msn gw suka. is taht a mirror in your pocket? cause i can see myself in your pants. haha

g tau mau nulis apa lagi.

buku gw yang gw beli di ebay br dtg. an outline history of china. di amazon harganya (klo ga salah) $55. di ebay gw beli $5. haha. emang si second. tp yaudah si, buat apa jg gw beli yg baru.

eh gw pgn BGT d ntn a clockwork orange lg. secara gw br sekali ntn dan itu di internet. jd kepotong2 dan burem gt. abis uas HARUS ke subtitles!

tai bosen nyet

huaaaaaaa. yaudah d gw ngereview wild swans aja. liat di post abis ini

Thursday, December 4, 2008

going greek!

so lately, i've been so crazy about greek mythology all over again. i don't even know where to start writing this post(yeah like anyone'll read it) haha. so i guess first i'll start on the fact that i decided to go online despite the fact that i promised not to on my last post. mana tahan? haha

second, i've been explaining a lot about greek mythology to my friends who actually need them or just want to know some stuff. a few days ago i was just explaining to vava and ima about everything they want to know about greek mythology. then i went upstairs(we were in the library btw) to get a few books and i met my friend from HI, ria. she's one of the smartest person i know. i mean freakingly smart. i said,'hey what're you doing here?' (the conversation really did happen in english) she answered, 'i'm looking for some stuff about greek mythology.' OOOOOOHHH MYYYYYYYYY. hahaha . i told her she was at the wrong section and that all the greek mythology books are downstairs then i explained evertything i knew about greek mythology to her. in english. which made me really happy. haha. ria was ultra smart, she kept asking questions like, 'why do they believe in gods and goddesses? why not just animisme?' haha, ok. she doesn't only stump me on eds, but also on greek mythology. i was so excited about telling ria all that i know. i even told her the unimportant ones. and even when she told me she wanted to write her daftar pustaka dulu, i kept talking. haha. after that, i went back to vava and ima and amdi was also there. since he studies archaeology, he told the reason why the greeks believe in gods and goddesses. panjang, mls nulisnya. maybe in another post. hehe

next, semester depan(haha alih kode) gw pgn bgt ngambil pelajaran mitologi yunani. bukan pgn si,pasti. tp gw agak menyayangkan deh. abis cuma satu semester dan zuma dasarnya doang. bener2 cuma melajarin dewa2 tu siapa dan ciri khasnya apa. perang2 sama pahlawan juga dibahas cuma secuil.sayaaaaaaannnngggg. gw tu pgn bngt bener2 ngeanalisis kaya misalnya, kenapa bisa di satu cerita dibilang kali perseus ngerubah atlas jadi batu pake kepalanya medusa dan di cerita lain dibilang hercules sempet disuruh buat ngegantiin atlas ngangkat batu dan saat itu atlas blom jadi wujud batu dan padahal perseus lahir lebih dulu dari hercules. kenapa juga bisa di satu cerita dibilang kalo cuma zeus anaknya cronos yang ga ditelen. sedangkan di cerita lain dibilang kalo hera juga ga ditelen sm cronos. gw juga pgn bgt ngebandingin kepercayaan orang barat sm timur. pokoknya gw bnr2 pgn yang menganalisis gt. gw jg pgn menganalisis kenapa erich von daniken bisa bikin teori kali greek gods and goddesses beneran pernah ada. aaaaaaaaaaah, gw pgn pindah k yunani! hahahah

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

akhirnya sudah beriman...... tp boong

haha sumpah judul gw g penting bgt

iya jd, tujuan gw ol mlm ini adalah mau agak2 pamit. gw ga bakal ol smp uas selese. huhu. udah cukup parah gw jd kecanduan one piece, paling g gw mengurangi kecanduan gw terhadap internet. haha. so, zaijian! smp minggu dpn. muach!