Wednesday, June 4, 2008


‘Oh god, oh god. Thank you! I love you I love you!’ Kyra shouted as she yanked off the plastic coating covering the book. Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk. Ever since she watched the movie, she’s been majorly obsessed with everything in it. All copies are sold out in Jakarta though. Rumbling through all the bookstores she could think of, didn’t do any good apart for the fact that she accidentally found the first edition of to kill a mockingbird. First edition. That’s like one fucking miracle. But since the main purpose of the hunt was for Fight Club, she had to figure a way to get the book. Fortunately, that’s a problem not very difficult to solve.
Connor, 24/7 of his life is spent in front of the computer. Well it’s not like that’s rare or anything these days. But he’s the only one around who doesn’t mind all those disturbing interruptions she throws at him. Lists of songs to download, movies, stuff for school project, and so the list goes. It’s not like Kyra doesn’t have an internet connection at home, she does, but she’s just not as good as Connor when it comes to browsing.
And so here Kyra is in Connor’s all black and very boyish room reading the first chapter of Fight Club. They’ve been friends like for ever so his parents treat her like their own daughter. She slumped herself to Connor’s king size bed as she flipped for the next page. From the corner of her eye, she could see that Connor was still busy with some application he just downloaded. His eyes transfixed to the screen behind those thick framed glasses. If he wasn’t that into computers, he probably wouldn’t be wearing those glasses. He probably wouldn’t look as hot.
19:37. Connor slid out of his chair and sat next to Kyra. Then he rested his head on her shoulder.
‘is it good?’ he asked.
‘what’s good?’
‘the book. What did you think I was referring to?’
‘oh. yeah, the books ok.’

iseng2 nulis biar g cape2 amat belajar. kan be creative. hahaa sekalian gw pernah janji kan mau nulis cerita di blog gw. kapan2 gw lanjutin d klo mood.


Ajeng said...

thick frame glasses? kayaknya tau tuh gue hahaha

Pramesti WIdya Kirana said...

ha? siapa jeng? ini purely my imagination kok. beneran. haha.