Tuesday, August 12, 2008


so yeah campus life has started for me and most of my friends. i now have to go to campus every single day including weekends to have orientation for a whole month. but surprise surprise, i'm actually enjoying it. as a matter of fact, i LOVE it. i love walking through those corridors, walking down the path and just looking at what seems like an endless field of grass(lebay lebay), walking through the teksas bridge, trying all those great food at all those awesomely cheap cafeterias. but most of all, it's nice to meet new people. seeing how many characters and different types of people which are forcefully merged into one classroom and be forced to work together. now THAT is great. i enjoy all the task given and sometimes by the end of the day, i don't really want to go home. haha.
back when i was still striving to get in, i kept 3 things in mind; i WILL work my ass off to get in, literally if necessary(speaking figuratively of course), and i WILL get in and once i get in, i WILL love it. and here i am loving it more than anything. haha. i know i'm new and all and i'll probably barf all known chinese alphabet down the toilet bowl someday(i take chinese literature for those who doesn't know), but right now, i'm loving it here and i'm absorbing all this happiness before it all wears out. haha

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