Sunday, July 27, 2008

now THAT's what i call a day

as i was writing before, july 26 was probably one of the best days of my life. hahaa. i had to postpone my last blog cause aby texted and said that she would pick me up so thatwe can go celebrate her birthday. that really put the cherry on top of my awesome awesome day. haha
everything started when i got accepted at UI. that was at excatly 00.00. then i was told that i could go buy a new laptop. haha. so i went to senayan city with my whole family and James was there! we haven't seen each other in ages!(if you call 4 days ages). aku seneng lhoo kmrn bisa ktemu. hahaha. after buying my laptop my dad offered me to buy a new wallet. it wasn't just any wallet. haha. and i was this close to buying that new wallet but well, we were in kind of a hurry so my dad said that we could just buy it later. i got home, fiddled around with my laptop. the aby picked me up at 11 and we went out to pizza marzano kemang and took approximately 70 pictures. hahaa. then we went to blitz to watch the x files. but it really sucked and i ended up sleeping in the cinema. haha. well that was one amazing day, and the movie wasn't included in that day cause we watched it past midnight. hahaa.
here are some out of the gazillion pictures we took


Anonymous said...

photo ke 3 jijik banget hahahahhaha mana nih tag tag tag

Pramesti WIdya Kirana said...

semua foto jg jijik by. hahaa. udah gw tag2in tu. tp g semua. byk bgt abisnya. haha