Thursday, September 4, 2008

ces't la vie

so life has been great lately. i've started learning chinese which is superiola ultra major hard but somehow fun. and i'm enjoying my campus more and more. it seems like there are countless things that kept surprising me there. like the 4 story library with a special 2 story chinese section with bookshelves high as the ceiling. that is only the faculty library, i wonder what the main library looks like. i also have to get a better view at the kandang rusa. haha yeah, there's a kandang rusa at my campus. god knows what it's for. and i've started going on the Rp 1500 train instead of the fully conditioned Rp 6000. the 1500 has no doors and it's always jam packed with people and i've heard countless rumors of what goes on in there. but seriously, it's not that bad. it's actually kind of fun. and today i fell asleep on the train trus gw ngiler. anjing malu bgttttt. hahaha. ngilernya g wajar gt lg. hahaha.
i've also start my driving lessons. yesterday was my second day and i fell asleep again while driving. just like the first day. bener2 ketiduran smp 2 kali hampir nyerempet dan bukannya neken rem malah ngegas. haahah. me and my stupid sleeping trouble.

so for those who don't know yet, i take chinese studies in college and i get a lot of 'ha? mau jd apa lo?s'
well FYI people, did you know that condoleeza rice (if you think you're bright enough to tell me ngapain masuk program studi cina than i suppose you'd be as bright to know who she is) took russian studies in uni. and look at her now. russia happens to be the sworn enemy of america. while china, well china, i guess we could say that china is our biggest enemy and at the same time our biggest co-worker.


Yuni said...

gw jg pgn blajar bhs cina id.bwt adaptasi di kampus gw gt,hahaha ga deeeng...(eh,tp tmn gw dikls ada loh yg nyanyi mandarin gt sumpah,critanya lg openhouse UKM mandarin,distel lagu dan dia ikt nyanyi ajaloh hehe)

ohya kl gw ga slh liat di tv,hari ini Asean sm china udah tanda tgn buat perdagangan bebas.kayanya uda bs dibygn gt ga si btapa kpakenya bhs mandarin nanti.haha sori id sok ngerti nih gw

Pramesti WIdya Kirana said...

buat adaptasi di kampus. haahahah. itu lucu lhooo. hahahaa.