Saturday, March 28, 2009

another saturday

maybe i should start with this. haha
yeah like we all know and like how it is all plastered across jakarta(or facebook for that matter), today from 8.30 to 9.30 is earth hour, or in chinese 地球一小时. haha. i only got to enjoy 15 minute of it, something i honestly didn't really regret. i was at the movies and came out 15 minutes before 9.30 so i headed straight for bunderan HI and sudirman. jakarta was dark. seriously. i mean, there are still lights mostly coming from cars, but overall, it was dark and it was nice. seeing the lighting up process was really nice. not altogether, but slowly bit by bit lights are turned on and before you know it was like the usual jakarta again. i'm glad i only got 15 minutes of it cause an hour would be pretty boring. lol. though i wish i saw the turning off part.

next topic. my lost blackberry is sold again. *^$%#@. my aunt added by old blackberry pin and the person said he bought it for 5,6 million rupiahs at hokky cell. seriously where the fuck is hokky cell anyway. i guess there's nothing more i can do but hope that the new owner takes great care of it. i miss it sooooo much


Bernardine Stefani said...

id tanya gih id hokky cellnya dimana terus samperin tanya yang jual bb lo kayak gmn orgnya. gue napsu pengen menguak misteri si kleptomania nih

Pramesti WIdya Kirana said...

iya2 gw sempet kepikiran ky gt. tp ga tau deh, gw udah pasrah. huhuuuu, udh mls ngurusinnya. malah ga move on move on gw