Monday, March 16, 2009

rumbling through old pictures

lebaran! i wish it was lebaran every month! i looooove this pic cause everyone just looked so happy in it =)
oh padahal that time, inside i was really uber kusut. it's amazing how being with my family can make me genuinely happy again. lol
om gw jb lg di blkg. haha

X-6!!!!!! gosh i miss this class like effing crazy! dulu gw tiap pagi ke sekolah kayanya seneng bgt. hahaha. di kelas kerjaannya nyampah, maen si buta dan si gua hantu. trus wkt itu kita masi kelas satu, masih calang, masih belom penjurusan dan pelajaran masih kaya tai. jadi kita struggle sama2. sumpah kangeeeeennn!!!
skrg yg satu kampus sm gw cuma asseta sm atid. yg masih sering ketemu cuma aby sm maria, arimbi keluar bahkan di luar negeri. agni, icha di bandung. yg sama2 di jakarta jg udah susah ketemu. kangeeeeennn!!!!!!

fx! gw g tau kenapa but i love this day! kan liburan panjaaang trus udah lama ga ketemu tiba2 ngumpul brg naek busway k fx trus pertama kali nyoba perosotan fx. hahaah. kangeeeeennnnnnn

july 26 2008
probably the best day i had in the year 2008. i dedicated a post to it kok. hehe. it was aby's birthday. it all started at midnight when i got accepted at ui, then my parents decided to buy me a new macbook. yeayness! then i met up with my boyfriend at that time after days of not seeing each other. then aby picked me up later that night and we talked the night away at pizza marzano and finish of with a midnite movie at blitz. kangeeeen!

there are 2 other things that i miss; my long hair and my thick eyebrows!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uahhhh kangen tapi anjing photo yg ulang taun gw kenapa mesti yang ituuu ahhaha