Thursday, February 26, 2009


so maybe i've mentioned before how my parents have their own bookshelf which cover's the whole wall of the live room and it makes me effing jealous. lately, i've been paying sooo many visits to my mother's bookshelf. i've also managed to moved some books from my mum's bookshelf to mine. here are the books i've know declared as 'also mine' hehe:
  • atheis- achdiat K. Mihardja
  • For Whom The Bell Tolls- Ernest Hemingway
  • Islands in the Stream- Ernest Hemingway
  • The Unbearable Lightness of Being- Milan Kundera
  • jurnal perempuan: seksualitas lesbian
  • A History of God- Karen Armstrong
  • Unaccustomed Earth- Jhumpa Lahiri
  • jurnal kebudayaan: membaca sastra
trust me, there are still A LOT more books that i'm going to declare as mine in my mum's bookshelf. what i wrote above are just a glimpse of the whole bookshelf. there are still ayn rand , che guevara, susan sontag, unsoweiter. intinya, masih banyak. banyak BANGET malah.

oh and about atheisnya achdiat K. Mihardja, gw nyesek deh. haru sabtu kmrn gw beli di gramed pim. yg edisi baru. cetakan tahun 2008. eh ternyata ada euy di bookshelfnya nykp gw. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mendingan duitnya gw pake buat apa. trus kayanya ga enak aja gt punya 2 buku yg sama. mendingan satu gw kasi org laen. tp ini ga bisa sembarangan gw kasi juga, nanti gw dikira mengajarkan kepercayaan sesat lg. trus pas gw liat buku yg lama, yg cetakan tahun 1976 yg KEREN PARAH, ternyata itu punya bude gw. jd kayanya yg itu aja deh yg bakal gw balikin.

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