gw bener2 ga tau jurusan laen dan universitas laen kalo belajar tu kaya gimana, yang jelas gw ngerasa di jurusan gw tu SUSAH BGT. huhu. kan gw belajar bahasa tu, dan itu tu SANGAT MENUNTUT. mungkin kalo misalnya gw ttp di sastra tapi bukan cina, ga akan sesusah ini. paling gw cuma melajarin grammar sama kemungkinan paling buruk adalah ngafalin kelamin2 feminin maskulin apalah apalah.
di cina ya, gw harus ngafalin segitu banyak aksara tu. sumpah ya, ada ribuan gt yang hrs gw afal. dan klo lo udah bisa tp lupa2 lg, lo ga bakal maju2 karena yang lama2 tu kepake terus. aaaahh boro2 ngafalin beribu2, disuruh ngafalin puluhan aja udah empot2an. trus ada nada, klo bahasa cina nada salah artinya beda. sumpah ya, bahasa laen mana ada kaya gini. ngmng2 aja. mana ada latian ngmng2 sampe nada bner2 perfect. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
masalah underestimated, it happens. A LOT. people seem to look down on international studies. but honestly, i'm enjoying every second of it. the fuck should i care what people think. people outside this major can think anything they want, it's people from inside the major who underestimates their own major that i'm annoyed with.
my mum use to take asian studies and i think that people who study culture, antropology, archaeology and those kinds of stuff are people who are really2 WOW. in a lot of countries (apart from indonesia i guess) those jobs are considered prestigious. if you read the da vinci code, you'll know what langdon and leigh was like. i think they were awesome. anyone who has a bunch of historical thingies in their house and high interest in culture are really interesting, at least that's what i think. and it's exactly what i want to be.
tp ttp, mls belajar. heheehhehehehee
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