Monday, February 16, 2009

random facts

since facebook is swarming with random facts about random people, i'm going to make a list here. i've made one actually, but they're really fun to do so i'm doing more. i'll try to list a lit of stuff i have never mentioned in my blog before.

-i am having sooo much fun in live right now
-i don't know if it's left handed guys that are drawn to me or that i am drawn to them
-honestly, i don't really wish to be rich when i grow up. yang penting berkecukupan dan sukses. success doesn't always mean money and money will just make you all greedy and stuff
-i am not creative. at all. at friggin all
-i love being alone. being alone is the only time where you can do some thinking. when your wth other people, you can't doze of about live and all those philosophical business. just like what nietzsche said, being alone doesn't kill you, it matures you
-i prefer rain to shine. ANYTIME. well, except in circumstances like antaricstar. lol
-i consider myself extremely lucky

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