Saturday, April 4, 2009


last night i actually wanted to write a post. but i was too sleepy and went straight to bed. i even stopped watching gossip girl midway cause i was too sleepy, something i could never usually do. lol. what i wanted to write about last night was simak ui. as we know, today is the day where they announce the people who got accepted at ui through simak. iman tried out for simak and my friends told me yesterday that chances are, he wouldn't get accepted. iman himself was already pessimistic about the result. even his twin brother kept saying it's impossible. but i don't know, something made me believe he actually can get accepted. so i hope that my optimism was enough for the sake of him getting accepted.


he really did got accepted! administrasi niaga! seriously, i think i was more psyched than he was. haha. congrats anyway! have a great new life in fisip. xp

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