Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pretty. Odd.

Hey people!Guess where i aaaam...I'm on my way to buy panic at the disco's new album!Pretty fucking odd!Yeay!Actually the title of the album is pretty. Odd. But i just like adding the fucking for no reason whatsoever.Hehe..
For panic at the disco fans,have you heard that the guys have decide to remove the ! From their name.So no more panic! At the disco.
Oh gosh why???The exclamation mark is like their trademaaaark... I heard that they said the ! Was never part of their name.But it was written in their last album.On the cover it says panic! At the disco.Oh well,it is their band name anyway.They can even put a question mark somewhere among those 4 words if they want to.So i can't wait to hear the album!And again for panic fans, do you guys realise that their new single nine is the afternoon is their first song which the title is actually included in the song. Their old songs have really long titles and have nothing to do with the song. So,i'm off. My thumbs are starting to kill me. I guess mobile blogging is not all that. Haha..Can't wait to get hold of the new album. Hope they have it over at aquarius!

Staring at someone's car window, Love?
Why don't you step in and we'll have our catfight inside.
This time it will be too gory for the public eye.

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