Thursday, May 15, 2008

1st day

so today is the first day of the ultra long holiday and i decided to spend it with ajeng and adip. we went to ex to watch narnia which i think was pretty disappointing. it was faaaaaaaaar from the first one. i remember watching the lion the witch and the wardrobe 4 times in the theaters. hehee.. But i guess prince caspian wasn't all that bad. edmund was really really hot. i used to be obsessed with him. really obsessed. and prince caspian was also hot. i think he looks like william beckett. they're like 2 peas in a pod. watch this video and judge for yourself.

anyway, me and adip were talking about where to buy dvds and he told me the difference between mbak2 yg bener2 ngerti dvd sama mbak2 yg g ngerti.

mbak2 yg ngerti
kita:mbak ada a clockwork orange ga?
mbak2: oooh a clockwork orange. iya itu film lama jadi udah ga ada.

mbak2 yg g ngerti
kita: mbak ada a clockwork orange ga?
mbak2:ooh, itu semi apa hardcore?

hahaaa lucu aja si menurut gw.

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