Friday, May 23, 2008

oh the mottos we make up

people live their lives day by day by based on a principle. each person believes a different motto. here are the ones i hold on to.

people say, nasi udah jadi bubur.

i say, nasi udah jadi bubur, tapi bubur juga enak.

hahaaa.. bener kan? klo bubur g enak ngapain2 pada bela2in beli pagi2 sebelom masuk kelas. hahaa. tinggal tambah ayam, cakue, seledri, bawang goreng, kecap, sambel and all that jazz langsung jadi bubur ayam spesial.
my point is, if things go wrong and there's no way in hell you can change them back to the way they were, just face it. do whatever you can to make that thing that has been changed worth it. make the best of what you have now cause you can't change them back to the way they were. ok next,

people say, you reap what you sow.

i say, you sew what you rip.

the first one is also one i hold on to. but i hold on to the second tighter. i'm a klutz and i make a gazillion mistakes everyday. there's nothing i can do about that i guess. sometimes i try soooooo hard not to make a mistake but it still happens. so the only thing i can do is be responsible. be responsible for what you've done. sew back the dress that you accidentally rip. be responsible. i know i'm not responsible enough but i'm trying.

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