Saturday, February 28, 2009
found an interesting link
mulai mempertanyakan
friday with nurul
Nurul says: (9:36:09 PM)
kalo ngomong kasian
Nurul says: (9:36:15 PM)
minggu lalu gw ada garage sale
Nurul says: (9:36:21 PM)
jual barang bekas sih tepatnya
Nurul says: (9:36:35 PM)
krn gw sama senior gw udh males bawa barang balik ke kampus,akhirnya dijual dgn harga seribu satu
Nurul says: (9:36:38 PM)
langsung rame kan
Nurul says: (9:36:50 PM)
kebanyakan ibu2 sih yg beli,tp tetep aja kan rame gitu laku,seneng
Nurul says: (9:36:55 PM)
trus dtg anak cowok
Nurul says: (9:37:06 PM)
kaya abis ngamen/ngemis gitu
Nurul says: (9:37:20 PM)
pake cln jeans,kaos sama bawa kantong permen hasil ngamen
Nurul says: (9:37:26 PM)
trus dia milih2 barang
Nurul says: (9:37:34 PM)
dia ngangkat tas bekal
Nurul says: (9:37:42 PM)
trus nanya,kak,ini harganya berapa kak?
Nurul says: (9:37:47 PM)
seribu dek
Nurul says: (9:37:56 PM)
trus mukanya lsg berubah seneng gitu kan
Nurul says: (9:38:01 PM)
trus dia semangat milih2
Nurul says: (9:38:14 PM)
akhirnya dia ngambil ransel sailor moon gitu
Nurul says: (9:38:20 PM)
ngambil uang dr kantong permennya
sumpah ya!!!! gw nangis abis baca itu!!!
against interpretation
here we go again
hello peeps, or should i say...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
- atheis- achdiat K. Mihardja
- For Whom The Bell Tolls- Ernest Hemingway
- Islands in the Stream- Ernest Hemingway
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being- Milan Kundera
- jurnal perempuan: seksualitas lesbian
- A History of God- Karen Armstrong
- Unaccustomed Earth- Jhumpa Lahiri
- jurnal kebudayaan: membaca sastra
think about it
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
this diary has a 2009 new year's revolution which is effing funny. one of my favorite is 'make 1,879,422 pound sterling and no more'
Monday, February 16, 2009
random facts
kite runner
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
friday the 13th/val's day
ok first of all, the best of luck for my uberly handsome cousin putra! seattle lies ahead of you and you'll have soooo much fun there! haha. my cousin just left for seattle today to continue high school. most people move to another country once they graduated from high school. moving while you're starting uni is a big deal, but moving while you're in the middle of high school????? i don't think i will ever want to do that. i mean, 11th grade is just everything. you've nver been closer to your friends and stuff, but suddenly you're dragged thousands of miles away from them. his friends also came to the airport and there were a hell lot of them. i can't imagine if i ever have to move when i was already in 11th grade. i nearly did that fyi. but of course i didn't want to. haha
today i arrived at campus and ate a sausage filled roll before i got to class. then straight after class i ate my favorite ayam bakar at kansas(kantin sastra). after that i headed straight to the airport and ate some bakso. after my cousin left, me and the whole big family who were at the airport went to jalan sabang to eat some padang food and i ate a LOT. 3 portions of rice! seriously, after the ayam bakar and the bakso hours ago. i still ate some ice cream after that and a lot of squid and soup once i got home. gosh, i eat a lot and sleep a lot. hahaha
i'm going to bandung again tomorrow, honestly, not as excited as how i used to be though. funny how many things can change in just two weeks. the purpose of my going to bandung is a relative of my is having a lamaran. boncel once asked me if i had a relative named muki. indeed i have. boncel said that muki's girlfriend younger sibling is his friend. it turns out that that younger sibling is also ajeng's friend(duh) and ajeng is going to be the photographer tomorrow! yeayyness!!!!! i thought i couldn't meet my friends at all.
MY SONY READER IS HERE!!!!!!!!!! BUT since i'm going to bandung tomorrow, i'm going to have to wait till sunday till i have it in my clutches. AAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! my plan is to download the kite runner as the first book! hahahaa. oh and, i'm currently reading peony by pearl s. buck.
ada yg keceplosan gt d tadi. seneng d klo ada yg keceplosan bikin sneng. hahahahahaha.
happy val's day everyone!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
sony reader
- rant-chuck palahniuk
- a catcher in the rye-J.D. Salinger
- Harry potter and the deathly hallows-J.K. Rowling
- Gossip Girl-Cecily von Ziegesar
- The Little Prince-Antoine de saint Exuperie
- Roald Dahl's book of ghost stories
- The Alchemist-Paulo Coelho
- All my Roald Dahl collection which consist of more than 5 books
hanyu hanyu
oh come on, seriously?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
god does not schmod
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
friends are everything. always
Saturday, February 7, 2009
eh sumpah ya
Is it reaaaaly that necessary?
Oh well, I guess it's God's way of telling me to forgive and move on, but not forget.
Cause only the naïve forgive and forget.
Thank you god, that was a quick response xp
Friday, February 6, 2009
religion as a form of comfort
sony reader
Thursday, February 5, 2009
dear followers
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
major room makeover
the ever soooo boring curtain
and the huge amount of brown. these 2 plus my wardrobe on the other side(not shown on pic) which is just as brown.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
i seriously picked the wrong class
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh malessssss..... Mereka semua ni temenan trus janjian gt sekelas. I admit these girls emg yg gayanya bnran ens si bukan yg jijay gt and their all really pretty tp ni pasti ngegang gt d kelas dan gw krik2 crunch2 dgn buku pergolakan pemikiran islam gw and majorly oversize tee. Sigh.
Oh and, smlm gw br tidur jam 5 dan bgn jam 6. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz
still can't sleep
-ga bisa berkomitmen. Parah2 paraaaaaaah. Tingkat tinggi parahnya
-ga pgn bisa nyetir pdhl kan enak klo bisa
-suka sm cowo2 kidal haha
-gw orgnya berantakan, tp rak buku harus ttp rapi. Haha
-pernah suka bgt sm clay aiken
-suka bikin2 ideologi sendiri
-ga kreatif sm sekali
-self controlnya minus
-lagi2 selalu gagal berkomitmen
Tapiiii despite all that:
-i think my weird ideologies are unique and they make sense
-my self control may be lacking but kesadaran diri agak tinggi
-akhirnya menemukan alasan logis knp gw suka cowo2 kidal. Haha
-meskipun ga pgn nyetir, tp gw pgn bgtttttt bisa naek bus dan kendaraan umum lainnya
-klo lg ga berkomitmen, gw total
masi ga bisa tidur
-suka ngebuletin umur. Kaya misalnya 15thn 7 bln dibilang 16 thn
-ga suka beli dvd bajakan
-sikap dan sifatnya bertentangan sm paham yg dianutnya
-ga suka maen the sims
-cukup tega untuk ngelipet ujung buku buat tanda smp mana bacanya
-ga suka sate padang. Haha
Eh ini cuma buat becanda2 ya jgn dianggep serius hehe