Saturday, February 28, 2009


-i hate it when people underestimate me
-i hate it when people don't appreciate me for what i think
-i hate it when people think i'm sesat
-i hate it when people don't believe me but they believe other people for the same thing
-i hate it when there's a long line at the toilet
-i just don't get it when people can't see how wrong they've been and keep blaming others(ini susah emang)
-i need my own space, more
-i wish people were more responsible, i wish I was more responsible
-i wish i could kick you're ass for being such a jerk. seriously, ga nyangka parah gw
-i wish chinese isn't this much of a burden for me


Nurul Putri Nadika said...

hahahahha.siapa yg bilang lo sesat?hahahahahha (trus ternyata gw gitu yg ngomong tp gw g sadar). hahahha.

winterblair said...

i never think that way of you ma cherie ;)

Pramesti WIdya Kirana said...

@you both: yeah masalahnya ada aja org yg mikir gt. hahhaa

Rain said...

haha lumayan menarik jg blok lw id

anyway, still remember me ?