makin ga ngerti gw sm ni agama satu. so ok the people who sends in the questions are mostly too harsh and just want to point out how nonsense islam is.
fyi, yes i'm on your side, but if you barge in and call their prophet a sex maniac and their god a 'setan yang gila disembah' and that islam is lebih rendah dari binatang, ya iyalah mereka marah dan ini malah ga bisa jadi perdebatan yang adil.
and when i read the answers, it surprises me more and more how extremely violent that religion is. and how most people are too brainwashed to even think straight and out of the box. the box keeping their minds trapped. you're answers don't make sense too. you sort of pull us away from the main question and drag us somewhere else, somewhere you can convince us. trust me, you have no idea how annoying that is.
Yang nyangkut2 kaum nasrani tu maksudnya apa ya? Parah, berani gila dy jawab begitu hoho
aaah parahan yg ngatain allah gila sembah sm muhammad sex maniac nyet.
HONESTLY, i kind of agree with that, but they could've used nicer words.
Iya sih, gw baca, ngerasa vulgar gile. Tapi mungkin aja sih id itu bener, kita kan ga tau mana yang bener. Kata sapa Dia gila sembah and sex maniac? Kata sapa juga Dia ga begitu? Mungkin sang penulis ga nemu kata yang pas kali, atau apalah bla bla, gak ikutaan haha
church every sunday and all those sakramens, same book different covers
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