Friday, February 6, 2009

religion as a form of comfort

eh gw udah lama bgt ya ga ngomongin agama? hahaha. pada bosen apa malah kangen? hahahaha.

anyway, i'm going to write about religion as a form of comfort. so me and my friends happen to coincide with the question, 'what do you do when you feel afraid?'
a lot of people tend to say they pray. they pray  mostly for two reasons; so that their fear or what they're fearing goes away, or so that they can actually find comfort.
well in my case, i don't believe that praying actually changes anything. obviously. i think that we could actually feel scared in the first place is because God planned us to in order that we learn to overcome our fear. so, if god puts us in that situation in the first place, why would god want to pull us out of it. so what i do when i'm afraid is first i think that god placed me in this position so that i can figure out how to deal with it and overcome my fear. so the only one i can rely to is myself, and not god. cause i know that's what god wants me to do. 
oh and again, well by praying the thing you fear doesn't exactly goes away does it. what goes away is the your fear of that thing you are afraid of. and you're fear disappears not because god made it disappear, but it's because we finally find some comfort and something to rely on. well, i think that there are a lot other ways to find comfort rather than praying, each person is different, this is something everyone has to discover by themselves. cause one fact i cling on to really tight is the fact that everybody has their own comfort zone.

oh and, being the spaghetti and pirates worshipper that i am, people often come up to me and, 'blom aja lo ngalamin susah trus balik lg ke berdoa.'
hmm, first of all, selama ini gw untungnya masi sadar diri untuk ga ke jalan berdoa klo lg susah. abis gw ga mau jadi prg muna yang biasanya gw ga pernah berdoa trus giliran lg susah tiba2 doa. and like i said before, if i was having a rough time and i turned to praying, then that's just another comfort zone for me, i'd rather do something else that's more comforting.

maaf ya klo berantakan apa gmn. ngantuk


Bernardine Stefani said...

habis quote hunting dapet quote baru yang aga mengingatkan gua akan lo
"Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God" -Heywood Broun-

Pramesti WIdya Kirana said...

nyet sumpaaaah. hahaha. dpt drmn?? itu bnr bgt lho. hahahah

Bernardine Stefani said...

dari website gt deh hahhahaheheh