Tuesday, December 30, 2008
jason mraz!
Monday, December 29, 2008
another day
Sunday, December 28, 2008
pergolakan pemikiran islam
So today, my dad gave me a book which is probably going to be the best book I will ever lay my hands on. The title is Pergolakan Pemikiran Islam by Ahmad Wahid. Anybody ever heard of it. Sumpah2, gw cuma bisa bilang. Bacaaaaaaaaaa sumpah bacaaaaaaaa ini bagus bgtttt I can’t even describe it. So what I’m going to do is write some passages from my favorite part, kebebasan berpikir. Here it goes:
saya sungguh tidak dapat mengerti mengapa orang begitu phobi dengan pemikiran bebas. Malahan orang yang takut untuk berpikir bebas itu ditimpa oleh ketakutan dan keraguan akan kepura-puraannya yang sudah tidak terlihat. Dia ragu untuk berkata bahwa ada suatu pikiran yang dia benamkan di bawah sadarnya. Pikiran yang dibenamkan ini dia larang untuk muncul dalam kesadarannya.
Dengan berpikir bebas bisa salah hasilnya. Dengan tidak berpikir bebas juga bisa salah hasilnya. Lalu mana yang lebih potensial untuk tidak salah? Dan mana yang lebih potensial untuk menemukan kebenaran-kebenaran baru? Saya kira orang yang tidak mau berpikir bebas itu telah menyia-nyiakan hadian Allah yang begitu berharga yaitu otak.
Tuhan aku ingin berbicara dengan engkau dalam suasana bebas. Aku percaya bahwa engkau tidak hanya benci pada ucapan-ucapan yang munafik, tapi juga benci pada pikiran-pikiran yang munafik, yaitu pikiran-pikiran yang tidak berani memikirkan yang timbul dalam pikirannya, atau pikiran yang pura-pura tidak tahu pada pikiran sendiri
Saya tidak mau jadi orang munafik, sok suci dan semacam itu. Percobaan menyembunyikan pikiran bawah sadar yang mungkin ada? Dan saya tidak mau berpura-pura. Apalagi terhadap sesama manusia seperti Ahmad dan lain-lainnya.
Ya itu sedikit dari bagian kebebasan berpikir. Haha. Bagian abis kebebasan berpikir: Emoh jadi orang munafik.
ok so do you now get what i like about the passage that i just wrote? or no no, do you get what this guy is actually talking about? the book is about the muslim way of thinking. so this guy, he kinds of mempertanyakan cara berpikir muslim. apa bener kita harus nerima semua aturan dan hukum islam itu secara mentah2? dan kalau misalnya kita mau mempertanyakan sesuatu, apa itu dosa? apa semua pikiran untuk mempertanyakan aturan2 tersebut dianggap dosa? apa benar semua hal yang di luar quran dan hadits itu salah? apa tuhan akan menghukum kita karena kita berpikir bebas padahal tuhan sendiri yang memberi kita akal tsb?
and my favorite part, kenapa orang takut bgt berpikir bebas? like mentioned earlier, it's because they're afraid. people who don't think freely has things supressed in their mind and pretends that those thoughts never occur to their head. free thinkers brought up those thoughts and those close minded people are of course disturbed cause they're kind of forced to face their lies. i mean, COME ON, masa si lo ga pernah mempertanyakan apa-apa tentang agama lo? lo bener2 mau nelen mentah2 tu the fact that moses parted the red sea and how a certain somebody we know could resurrect or whatever. i'm sorry if this is kind of harsh but if you claim you've never questioned those things, then you're the one being harsh to yourself.
yeah this book talks about stuff like that. THAT is why i LOVE it.
Friday, December 26, 2008
tulis tulis
Thursday, December 25, 2008
should she or should she not?
di saat orang2....
just for the record
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
lama bgt nunggu kfc sumpah
bingung mau nulis apa in general, so i'll make more of those pointless points:
-bolt in 3D, bagus! gambarnya bersih bgt sumpah. jelas gt. qing chu. bulunya bgs bgt dan boltnya lucu bgt. haha. i want a puppy!
-gw br sadar, i really do love going to bookstores. klo alone emg suka dr dulu. tp gw br nyadar ternyata gw jg suka k bookstore sm org and share each others interest.
-gw makin suka baca chuck palahniuk. parah2 bgs bgt. but somehow, i feel that i think it''s good because the stories are somehow gw bgt. not everybody will like them. they're not even bestsellers
-semenjak maen visual bookshelf, ada beberapa buku yang sering gw temuin di banyak bookshelf org pdhl tdnya gw ga gt ngeh sm tu buku. diantaranya: geroge orwell-1984 sama the wednesday letters.
-tetha, klo lo baca ini, knp td pm lo bahasa cina? hahahaahahahahahahahah. oh btw, knp putus lg te? :(
-gw kmrn nemu buku di TGA judulnya blind power. jd ttg org buta gt. dan dia blg, he left braille 10 years ago. dia blg, udah ga guna braille. UUURRRGGGHHH gondok tau ga. tp the bright side is, gw mikirnya, biarpun semakin banyak buku yg bisa lo baca di internet or download di reader or kindle, buku akan selalu menang. like stephen king says, things that are on paper last longer than those that are on some screen.
-eh masa di kampus gw ada yg ngaku2 gt. iiih mls bgt iiih.
-udah si, itu aja. haha
yauds d, see you on my next post. oooh! it's christmas eve already!
Monday, December 22, 2008
how many of you have to wait for a year anyway. none i'm sure. gosh you lucky people.
the holiday's just begun
what you told me yesterday. those are like, the answer to my prayers. but it's still kind of kentang. i really hope it will be the answer to my prayers.
gosh i am lucky.
and what happened today, oh that was great all right. can't wait to see what's coming up.
this like it's going to be one loooooong holiday. lol
Saturday, December 20, 2008
in a hurry to spell checkmate
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
pengantar linguistik umum
achmed the dead terrorist
Monday, December 15, 2008
ah sterr!
i'm not alone!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
it's almost been a year...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
speaking of books....
-I CAN'T WAIT FOR SONY READERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lama bgt msk jakarta sumpaaaaah. di singapore jg blom ada
-for my birthday next year, gw bener2 cuma minta 1 hal. A NEW BOOKSHELF! hahaha. bnran d, that's all i want. buku gw makin lama makin byk dan spacenya di bookshelf yg sekarang udah makin dikit. my dad has a whole side of a wall as bookshelf, so does my mum. i want one too.
-so many books to read, so little time. hehe
uuuummmm HOT!!!!!!
bucuo lah bucuo
oiya udah inget. i've found a new tv series to love. SOMEWHERE IN CHINA! haha. well, it's not actually a tv series. it's a series of documentary on the national geographic channel. nooo, it's not as boring as it sounds. it's hosted by 2 HOT guys which names i can't remember, but their referred to as the hutchen brothers. hot hot hot. seriously. they go all around china visiting not only big cities but also small cities which are really rich in culture. they speak chinese too. it's actually kind of cute seeing to hot bules speaking chinese. i gotta admit their accent is kind if weird. lol. today they were im this small village and they went to this guys house who collects lots of things which are really artsy and considered highly cultural. the brothers kept going through all the stuff and asking 'ji ge shuo shenme, ji ge shuo shenme?' honestly i'm not sure what it means but i catch it means somewhere in the lines of,' what's this for?'
here's a little clip of them in action:
Thursday, December 11, 2008
eh eh lu orang harus baca gw punya blog!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
reply to sometimes...
hanzi tai babi zzzz
dan akhirnya seperti biasa pelarian gw adalah south park. gw udah nemu website baru pengganti surfthechannel. hahahaa. ni ni project free tv. akhirnya gw bs ntn south park lg setelah sekian lama BGT hiatus. episode yg kmrn gw tonton judulnya the china problem. hahaaaaa, selari2nya gw dr pelajaran pasti ktemu2 lg. inti ceritanya si cartman ngerasa the chinese are going to invade america gara2 cartman abis ntn opening ceremonynya beijing olympics dan orang cinanya byk bgt. akhirnya cartman bikin american liberation front b2 sm butters. haha. sampah.
burn after reading
Saturday, December 6, 2008
angsa2 liar

iya judul bahasa indonesianya itu
so the story tells about the life of this one women, her mother and her grandmother. but before i go any further, one word for this book. booooriiing. hehehehehe. well, i guess the first few chapters are really good, i was totally hooked. but as soon as i get to the part where the story is suddenly dominated by political ideologies and stuff like that, the scale sort of went down. but what makes the book boring is not about the political stuff they talk about, but it's because of its lack of rebel. let's recap to previous bestsellers. a clockwork orange, why is it so groundbreaking? because alex is a complete rebel. he goes around raping children and beats up anyone he wants. the da vinci code, it rebels against what everybody believes, christianity. gossip girls, girls going out getting drunk and having sex 24/7. imagine if you read a story that only tells about a person who sits nicely through 3 years of high school. seriously, that's stupid. we want to see people who can actually speak up for themselves even if it means going against the law. in wild swans, rules are there to be followed, not broken. so yeah, i don't recommend this book to anyone who doesn't study chinese culture and history. but if you do, it won't hurt to read it. but i suggest you just skim through it, not read it through.
Friday, December 5, 2008
eh eh, kan ajeng sm boncel pernah cerita tu di deket bandung ada yang namanya gubuk dongeng, tpt nyewa2 komik lengkap. dgn kampus gw juga ada ternyata!!! haha, berarti gw g usah beli2 one piece lg. sumpah lengkap bgt dan bener2 di blkg stasiun. ya allah kmna aja gw selama ini.
eh eh adip minggu depan pulang!
dapet tiket naek atmostfear gratis. ada 3 tiketnya. pgn naek tp g tau mau ngajak siapa. yang berani naek itu g banyak dan pada jauh2 semua. aaaah coba ada ajeng. paling lambat dipake hari ini lg.
minggu dpn udah uas. hore bgt sumpah. zzzzzz
gw salah manggil orang di msn barusan. haha
pmnya pascal di msn gw suka. is taht a mirror in your pocket? cause i can see myself in your pants. haha
g tau mau nulis apa lagi.
buku gw yang gw beli di ebay br dtg. an outline history of china. di amazon harganya (klo ga salah) $55. di ebay gw beli $5. haha. emang si second. tp yaudah si, buat apa jg gw beli yg baru.
eh gw pgn BGT d ntn a clockwork orange lg. secara gw br sekali ntn dan itu di internet. jd kepotong2 dan burem gt. abis uas HARUS ke subtitles!
tai bosen nyet
huaaaaaaa. yaudah d gw ngereview wild swans aja. liat di post abis ini
Thursday, December 4, 2008
going greek!
second, i've been explaining a lot about greek mythology to my friends who actually need them or just want to know some stuff. a few days ago i was just explaining to vava and ima about everything they want to know about greek mythology. then i went upstairs(we were in the library btw) to get a few books and i met my friend from HI, ria. she's one of the smartest person i know. i mean freakingly smart. i said,'hey what're you doing here?' (the conversation really did happen in english) she answered, 'i'm looking for some stuff about greek mythology.' OOOOOOHHH MYYYYYYYYY. hahaha . i told her she was at the wrong section and that all the greek mythology books are downstairs then i explained evertything i knew about greek mythology to her. in english. which made me really happy. haha. ria was ultra smart, she kept asking questions like, 'why do they believe in gods and goddesses? why not just animisme?' haha, ok. she doesn't only stump me on eds, but also on greek mythology. i was so excited about telling ria all that i know. i even told her the unimportant ones. and even when she told me she wanted to write her daftar pustaka dulu, i kept talking. haha. after that, i went back to vava and ima and amdi was also there. since he studies archaeology, he told the reason why the greeks believe in gods and goddesses. panjang, mls nulisnya. maybe in another post. hehe
next, semester depan(haha alih kode) gw pgn bgt ngambil pelajaran mitologi yunani. bukan pgn si,pasti. tp gw agak menyayangkan deh. abis cuma satu semester dan zuma dasarnya doang. bener2 cuma melajarin dewa2 tu siapa dan ciri khasnya apa. perang2 sama pahlawan juga dibahas cuma secuil.sayaaaaaaannnngggg. gw tu pgn bngt bener2 ngeanalisis kaya misalnya, kenapa bisa di satu cerita dibilang kali perseus ngerubah atlas jadi batu pake kepalanya medusa dan di cerita lain dibilang hercules sempet disuruh buat ngegantiin atlas ngangkat batu dan saat itu atlas blom jadi wujud batu dan padahal perseus lahir lebih dulu dari hercules. kenapa juga bisa di satu cerita dibilang kalo cuma zeus anaknya cronos yang ga ditelen. sedangkan di cerita lain dibilang kalo hera juga ga ditelen sm cronos. gw juga pgn bgt ngebandingin kepercayaan orang barat sm timur. pokoknya gw bnr2 pgn yang menganalisis gt. gw jg pgn menganalisis kenapa erich von daniken bisa bikin teori kali greek gods and goddesses beneran pernah ada. aaaaaaaaaaah, gw pgn pindah k yunani! hahahah
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
akhirnya sudah beriman...... tp boong
iya jd, tujuan gw ol mlm ini adalah mau agak2 pamit. gw ga bakal ol smp uas selese. huhu. udah cukup parah gw jd kecanduan one piece, paling g gw mengurangi kecanduan gw terhadap internet. haha. so, zaijian! smp minggu dpn. muach!