Thursday, December 18, 2008


setelah membaca curhatannya atis yang super panjang di blognya, gw jd nyadar, gw sendiri udah lama bgt ga nulis kaya gt.

the thing is, i don't really know when to start. haha. ok, so tomorrow i will have my last uas and that's it. that's the end of my first semester at UI. honestly, it was great. i don't know how thankful i am for getting accepted at chinese studies cause i don't think there is a more suitable major for me in the whole of UI. there was a time when i really wish that i could move to philosophy, but after really seeing what they have to study, hahaaa, no thank you. i guess i liked philosophy, but back to the fact knp gw ga jadi ngisi filsafat pas ngisi formulir is because even though i LOVE philosophy, i'm not the kind of person who could actually sit my ass through 4 years of that stuff. those are just for sheer knowledge, not something you major.
honestly, i'm at a point where life is perfectly a ok and i have nothing to worry about. i'm enjoying my university life, my friends, my love life that's actually going along a little to great ever since i put my mode to completely heartless so that i'll have nothing to lose. haha. i'm also going to bali for new year's eve which i really can't wait. but the thing is, when life is to perfect like now, you get yourself thinking. i wonder what tragedy god has in store for me.
speaking of god, you know what. i don't know how long i've actually abandoned my religion. but to be extremely honest, even though i'm religionless, i've never felt closer to god. it's like, if found my own comfort zone which is definitely not religions. religion is just one out of so many great options to choose from to find your inner peace and whatever. and to be reallllly honest, i hate it when people say, gw belom aja nemuin jalan gw balik ke agama. i won't. beneran d. haha. this is what i've been searching all along. i remember that one time a few months ago i decided to aaah coba sholat aaaah, iseng aja. then everybody went, alhamdullilah idya udah balik ke jalan yang bener. hahahaahhahaha. kata siapa itu jalan yang bener? ga ada yang ngejamin gt. kesannya tu kaya seakan blg jalan gw yang sekarang tu salah. well, klo gt, you're just as salah as me cause nobody can really prove which is truly right.
haha balik lagi kan soal agama. gila kayanya emg agama is my forte deh. haha


Nurul Putri Nadika said...

eh, coba lo membantu icha dalam hal pembuatan kartulnya dulu. pasti salah satu narasumbernya lo id. hahaha

Pramesti WIdya Kirana said...

hahah oiya kartul icha! tp wkt itu gw blom ky gini. masih beriman gw. haha

winterblair said...

"but the thing is, when life is to perfect like now, you get yourself thinking. i wonder what tragedy god has in store for me."

idz thats what ive had in mind exactly. haha