yeah ok, so i guess vava's right. sophie from sophie's world once said,'kita g bisa karena kita sendiri yg menyatakan klo kita ga bisa.' (sumpah ya, sebenernya klo vava g blg gw g tau kalo sophie pernah blg gini. gw perlu baca ni buku berapa kali lg si?)
well, since today is lebaran or whatever you call it(seriously, i don't know haha) our family gathered to eat and talk and stuff. my dad, suddenly, asks me, 'do you feel intimidated in your campus? do you feel like everyone's smart and you're not. like everyone has their own achievements through highschool and you don't?'
woooow, i was like all are you reading my mind or something? cause i KNOW he hasn't been reading my blog. well of course i said yes to all those questions and i told him how smart the other people are. and how i feel so like an idiot compared to the others. how one of my friend graduated from a catholic school with 4 awards (to vava: ha ha ha). my dad then said he just read a book by robert rubin. america's former secretary of the treasury. rubin said that when he got to harvard, he felt so lost he wanted to quit on his first day. he just couldn't take it. all the other students are hellishly smart with lots of medals and achievements and he feels like he's the most idiot out of all. but in the end, he graduated summa cum laude and became secretary of the treasury.
my dad also added how he felt like the most idiotic person in his university(which is the same as mine now) and how he felt intimidated by those who are really good at math and english. but in the end, he was the best graduate. then my aunt came along. she told me how her daughter--my cousin--who just moved to UWC singapore, used to feel like she's completely miserable and wants to go home soooo bad. english was her mother tongue but the people in her class now are really really smart. one even did some english test and got a score which was the highest 10 in the world. this particular guy once made a speech about freedom and my cousin couldn't understand a thing he was saying. if my was my cousin, i would go crazy. but she learned to deal and it pushes her to study. now, she's enjoying college and happily surviving. haha
so from all 3 examples, robert rubin, my dad and my cousin. they all have one thing in common. they all go to this one new society crammed packed with ultra smart geniuses. they all felt lost and out of place which actually pushes them to beat the others. NOT QUIT. by being motivated to beat the rest, they became the best(hey that ryhmes!) so i'm glad help came to me sooner than i expected. i thought i was going to DIE(not literally of course) and i was this close to giving up. but from now on, I WILL CHARGE. haha. and i'm soooo joining EDS again. hahaaaa
lu orang punya blog bagus deh!
hhahahha plis2,makanan gw shari2 bgt tuh
id i miss you! gw juga ga kuat nih kayaknya gw salah ngambil jurusan udah ngebosenin susah juga lagi sialan. ternyata salah gw meremehkan fashion business. eh eh good luck UAS! jalan lagi dong
hahaha, makasih yun! lo punya blog jg bgs kok. haha. makanan sehari2 gw jg tu. haha
by sumpah HARUS JALAN! kangen jg gw. aaah lo taun br jauh bgt si. k bali aja sm gw napa? haha
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