Tuesday, January 20, 2009


btw, i changed my blog title to I Dare You All cause i feel that's what IDYA stands for. hahaa. and it's to kind of relive the saying do one thing everyday that scares you. 
in my 18 years of life on planet earth, i've heard a lot of sayings and a lot of them really struck me. but the only one that i think will actually have a real effect is that do one thing everyday that scares you. they're not talking about how you should go bungee jumping and skydiving or something like that, even though that is sometimes included. they're talking about things that you've been wanting to do but just not having the guts to do it. imagine if you actually do those things. imagine how far that can get you. but the thing is, it's really hard to relive this saying. i mean, doing what you're afraid of? seriously? everyday??? normal people tend to avoid their fear. but here, we kinda have to face them. and again, everyday. 
there are quite a few things i have in mind actually. but never having the guts to do it like telling my family that i have chosen to be religionless, so far, only one can accept that fact. and like actually showing someone my writing. no, not the junk i write in my blog. not those little stories about teens that i sometimes post. it's nothing like that. far from it. and there are a gazillion more things i'd love to do but afraid to. ooh like asking my mum how to read the news properly. hahahahaaha.
so i would really love to relive that saying. but, it's just too hard. waaaaaaaayyyy too hard. way way way. even those little things like learning to drive gets really hard sometimes. sigh

1 comment:

vjosch said...

Just live your life as the water flows in its place naturally. We have the same problem, not you, not me, but we all. All the mankind. I agree with you, fear isn’t a thing that we should afraid of. But we should face it with the raised up chin. Live your way, in your way. Yah kayak yang ada di blog gw, our time is limited. Jadi selagi masih idup sih kalo mau buat gebrakan, go ahead! Kita gak tau setelah mati apa bakal jadi manusia lagi yang berkemampuan seperti saat ini, dui bu dui? Hehe. Jadi marilah kita sama-sama melakukan hal yang mau kita lakuin sebelum akhirnya kita kita gak bisa ngelakuin itu dan ngomong “aaahh kenapa waktu itu gw gak terima dia, padahal kalo gw bilang iya, gw pasti udah ngerasain yang namanya …… sama dia!” atau aaaaduuuuh kenapa waktu gw diajakin makan gudeg sambil naik vertigo gak mau, mau tau gw rasanya setelah umur gw sekarang udah 78 taun!”, “ah kenapa gw gak ambil jurusan itu seh! Tai, tai, tai!”, “aduuuh bloon, gw gak nonton tuh film dulu, sekarang udah dilarang tayang deh…” etc lah. Hahaha. Hidup cuma sebentar iddd!!! We can’t turn back time like Doraemon (I wish I had one at my home). Ha!