to me, holidays are filled with tears for the lost ones and pressure of having to have something to do on holidays are high.
yes yes yes! if you've been following my blog, you'll probably remember how i wrote about me not being productive and that i have to do something useful rather than moan about my ex which is actually not going to get me anywhere.
cause on non-holiday days, you are productive no matter how little. so the pressure of having something to do isn't that high. while in holidays, you pretty much have nothing to do which makes you end up thinking about things which you usually have no time to think about since you are to busy with your daily life. so yeah, no wonder the suicide rates on holidays are effing high.
the second sentence is:
i am always honest to myself. cos you cant always be honest to other people, so you gotta always be honest to yourself. i swear it’s the only way and the best way to keep you sane.
oh gosh, i love this one. seriously, if you think about it, how often do you hide things from yourself. it's true though, you can never be truly honest to others, so the only person you can be honest to is yourself.
haha ok, you go hanny! haha
sial,gw ngiri lo udh ketemu orang yg suka grey's anatomy!!
iya nyet gw jg seneng ni ga sabar ngajak dia ngomongin greys di kampus nanti. hahaha
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